“Without food, there can be no peace. Without science, there can be no food.”

2025 Borlaug CAST Communications Award

Nomination Packet

The Borlaug CAST Communication Award is presented annually for outstanding achievement by a scientist, engineer, technologist, or other professional working in the agricultural, environmental, or food sectors for contributing to the advancement of science in the public policy arena.

Primary consideration will be given to mid-career candidates who:

  • Are actively engaged in the science and technology of agriculture and food production, while promoting agriculture through research, teaching, extension, or communication;
  • Have made significant contributions to their discipline or field nationally and internationally; and
  • Demonstrate a passion in communicating the importance of agriculture and food production to policymakers, the news media, and the public.

Nominees must have demonstrated their ability to communicate by written material; public presentations; and/or use of television, radio, and social media. Other points of consideration include the following:

  • The award may be given for a specific achievement or for a continuing body of work.
  • Consideration will be given to achievements in all disciplines related to agricultural, environmental, and food science.
  • Candidates must be living persons actively engaged in their profession.
  • Nominations are eligible and encouraged for candidates regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, veteran status, disability, and age.
  • Nominations are welcome and encouraged from anyone; there are no restrictions on who may nominate for the award. Invitations for nominations are distributed widely in the agricultural, environmental, and food science community.
  • A separate nomination form must be used for each nominee.
  • CAST will retain completed nomination packets for consideration by the selection committee for two years (current year and one additional year).
  • Completed nomination packets must include copies of the following:
    • The completed nomination form;
    • a curated curriculum vitae/resume of the nominee (maximum 5 pages);
    • a written statement of thecandidate’s ability to disseminate research findings to the public that includes a list of pertinent publications, public speaking engagements, television and/or radio appearances, social media, or other media activities within the past five years;
    • and a maximum of five (5) letters of support in PDF form in which the references assess the candidate’s ability to communicate science to the public. The nominator may be included as one of the five references.
  • All required materials, including the letters of support, must be written in English and be uploaded using the nomination form by midnight on Monday, May 1, 2025 (midnight CST).
  •  Fill out the nomination form completely and submit it before the deadline; please follow up with the
    CAST office (cvianna@cast-science.org) to confirm that the material was received.
  • The primary nominator(s) should submit all components together via email: Nomination Form, CV, summary of accomplishments, and letters of support (maximum 5).
  • The letter from the primary nominator(s) should be quite extensive.
  • Cite the candidate’s qualifications, accomplishments, and background.
  • If you have personal, direct experience with the candidate, describe that.
  • Give specific data on successes, if available (number of presentations, writings, etc.).
  • Include links to samples of communication activities—videos, social media, etc.
  • Provide a current CV and summary of accomplishments, as stated in the award information.
  • Support letters
    1. Be sure the writers address the letters correctly and use the correct name of the award (To: Borlaug CAST Communication Award Selection Committee).
    2. Be sure the writers send their letters directly TO YOU for collection into one packet, not to the CAST office.
    3. Support letters should be on letterhead; contain personal reflections/comments about the candidate’s activities; talk about how the candidate communicates his/her message; and preferably be one page in length (no longer than two pages).
  • Letter writers should be chosen from a variety of background organizations so they represent
    different points of view in support of the candidate.
  • Meet the deadline for submission.

Completed nomination packets must include the following:

  1. this completed nomination form;
  2. a curated curriculum vitae/resume of the nominee (maximum 5 pages); a written statement of the candidate’s ability to disseminate research findings to the public that includes a list of pertinent publications, public speaking engagements, television and/or radio appearances, social media, or other media activities;
  3. and a maximum of five (5) letters of support in PDF form in which the references assess the
    candidate’s ability to communicate science to the public. The nominator may be included as one of
    the five references.
  4. Completed forms must be written in English.
Key Dates
  • Nominations Open: March 25, 2025 (Dr. Borlaug’s birthday)
  • Submission Deadline: May 1, 2025
  • Winner Announcement: First week of June 2025
  • Award Ceremony: October 21–23, 2025 (during the World Food Prize events in Des Moines, Iowa)

If you submitted a nomination package in a previous year and would like to be considered for the 2025 award cycle, please contact Carlos Back Vianna, CAST Director of Marketing & Communications, at cvianna@cast-science.org.