President's Award

CAST Tradition

The President’s Award is a CAST honor that recognizes those individuals who have personally contributed to the advancement of CAST and who have furthered the cause of agriculture, science, and technology in a world so dependent on all three disciplines. The award is a bronze medallion, crafted by artist Jerry Palen. The inscription reads: “Sun, Earth, Water, Mankind. In synergy with science and technology to create a sustainable world supported by plants and animals.

President's Award Recipients


Richard Stuckey

CAST Executive Vice President (1992–2001)


Tom Harkin

Senator (Iowa)


Clare Hasler-Lewis

Executive Director, Robert Mondavi Institute for Wine and Food Science, UC–Davis


Mike Johanns

Senator (Nebraska)


A. G. Kawamura

Former California Secretary of Agriculture


Edward B. Knipling

Administrator, Agricultural Research Service


Herb Kohl

Senator (Wisconsin)


Jerry Palen

Sculptor, creator of CAST bronzes


Collin Peterson

Congressman (Minnesota)


Jay Vroom

President and CEO, CropLife America


Saxby Chambliss

Senator (Georgia)


Bob Goodlatte

Congressman (Virginia)


Frank Lucas

Congressman (Oklahoma)


Pat Roberts

Senator (Kansas)


Charles Grassley

Senator (Iowa)


Orion Samuelson

Farm Broadcaster


Ken Quinn

President, World Food Prize Foundation


Ken Quinn

President, World Food Prize Foundation


Deborah Stabenow

Senator (Michigan)


Dean Wendy Wintersteen

Iowa State University, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences


Susana Fredin

Volunteer Spanish Translator


Don Beitz

CAST Past President


Todd Peterson

CAST Past President


Mark Armfelt

CAST Past President


Dirk Drost

CAST Executive Treasurer


Mark Cochran

CAST Board of Trustees Chair

May 10, 2023 | Council for Agricultural Science and Technology—Ames, Iowa 

Alison Bentley

Program Director CIMMYT Global Wheat Program

The Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST) has announced the 2023 Borlaug CAST Communication Award goes to Dr. Alison Bentley.

While Bentley is known for her global research on wheat genetics, she is also recognized for her proficiency in science communication. Bentley has a passion for delivering practical applications from innovation to farmers, extensive reach through communicating and influencing, and mentoring and support of individuals and community efforts. Bentley’s exceptional work in raising awareness about the importance of wheat as a food crop is also evidenced by her wide-ranging list of communication activities.

In 2022 alone, Bentley delivered 20 scientific presentations—including five international keynote talks and 15 additional invited talks. Bentley focused her communication efforts around two major areas. The first area was her rapid, science-led response to the impact of the Russian/Ukraine war on global wheat production through a communication article in Nature, followed with a social media campaign and numerous presentations and invited policy briefings. Her second area of focus was a major communications campaign by initiating and leading the Women in Crop Science network. This network was developed to address key issues such as the promotion and championing of females throughout their research careers, creating equal opportunities, and increasing visibility of members.

The extensive breadth of Bentley’s outreach ranges from classic science presentations and open access articles, to blogs, podcasts, YouTube videos, and Twitter campaigns. All these formats demonstrate her commitment to science communication and reaching as wide an audience as possible in an accessible way to engage with important, current topics regarding wheat supplies and plant breeding.

The official presentation of the award will take place at a special side event during the World Food Prize Borlaug Dialogue event in Des Moines, Iowa, in October. The Borlaug CAST Communication Award honors the legacy of Dr. Norman Borlaug, a Nobel Prize winner and author of the first CAST publication, and Dr. Charles A. Black, the first executive vice president of CAST. It is presented annually for outstanding achievement by a scientist, engineer, technologist, or other professional working in the agricultural, environmental, or food sectors for contributing to the advancement of science through communication in the public policy arena.