By Brandon Neuschafer (CAST President | Partner at Arnold & Porter)
In late 2024, the Pew Research Center released a study regarding the public’s confidence in scientists and the role that scientists should play in policymaking. In a survey of nearly 10,000 adults conducted just before the election, 48% found that scientists should “focus on establishing sound scientific facts and stay out of policy debates.” While I am encouraged by the recognition of the value of establishing sound science, the opinion that scientists should stay out of policy debates is baffling to me. Such debates are by definition debates about the complex interaction of law and policy with science that have broad ranging impacts, and should not be the province of a select few.
The rest of the study may help explain why so many believe the scientists should stay out of policy debates. 89% of U.S. adults found scientists to be intelligent (phew!) but only 45% found scientists to be good communicators. Perhaps the opportunity for the scientific and policy communities is to support and improve science communication as a way to demonstrate the value of – and indeed, absolute necessity for – scientists and sound science in policymaking.
I am not a scientist, but a lawyer who practices in a field where science and science communication are critical. I’ve seen first hand the implications when misunderstood or misapplied science becomes the basis for policy, legislative and judicial decision-making. To me, this is why CAST is so important. We need a better understanding of all types of scientific disciplines, from toxicology to geology to chemistry and beyond, but we also need a better understanding of how science is developed, how science is applied, and why science matters. That’s where CAST and its mission come into play, and why I am a proud supporter of this organization.
I’m very excited about the future of CAST. 2024 brought some incredible publications, modernization of operations and a refreshed branding and communication effort, led by energy and creative thinking of our staff. In 2025, we will continue this trend by exploring new routes of science communication and engagement with our members, partners and consumers of our work. We sincerely appreciate your support.