Press Releases

Soil Health
Category: Uncategorized
May, 2024

Join us for the in-person rollout of our paper “Soil Health and the Hydrologic Cycle” […]

Register Now for the “Soil Health and the Hydrologic Cycle” Paper Rollout and 2024 BCCA Announcement
Category: Uncategorized
May, 2024

Join us for the in-person rollout of our paper “Soil Health and the Hydrologic Cycle” […]

CAST to Release Comprehensive Paper on FIFRA and ESA at the CropLife & RISE Regulatory Conference
Category: Uncategorized
April, 2024

The Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST) announces the release of a compilation paper, […]

Webinar Rollout – Applications, Benefits, and Challenges of Genome Edited Crops
Category: Uncategorized
March, 2024

Join us on Wednesday, April 3, from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM CST for the […]

Paper Rollout – Applications, Benefits, and Challenges of Genome Edited Crops
Category: Uncategorized
March, 2024

Join the Council of Agricultural Science and Technology on Wednesday, March 20, from 10:30 AM […]

Webinar Release of “Preventing the Next Plant Invasion: Opportunities and Challenges”
Category: Uncategorized
February, 2024

Join us for the webinar release of CAST’s new issue paper entitled “Preventing the Next […]

FIFRA/ESA Webinar Series
Category: Uncategorized
January, 2024

The Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST) invites you to participate in a series […]

Navigating the Aisles: Clarity Coming to Food Labeling
Category: Uncategorized
October, 2023

A simple trip to the grocery store can become confusing when you get into the […]

Friday Notes — August 18, 2023
Category: Uncategorized
August, 2023
Friday Notes — July 21, 2023
Category: Uncategorized
August, 2023
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