
CAST Educational Programs

CAST supports science education, from elementary school through graduate programs. This page offers a listing of resources for those planning to pursue a career in agricultural science, or those who simply wish to be better informed about topics related to agricultural science and technology.


CAST Education Program (Members Only)

Tomorrow’s important scientific discoveries and technologies will emerge from the work of today’s college faculties and graduate students. Membership in the CAST Education Program can help researchers achieve their goals.

View current CAST Education Program Members and Board Members.

Education Program Benefits

Friday Notes Newsletter

Your university’s entire agriculture division would have the opportunity to receive CAST’s Friday Notes, our signature newsletter published and distributed 48 times a year. The Notes provide timely links to the latest news across the full spectrum of agricultural topics. Each issue features:

  • Lead articles on current topics being discussed in agriculture.
  • Hot topics selected from multiple sources, including live links to the original articles.
  • Current events and opportunities; and News from the Far Side of the Barn (a less serious look at agriculture).

Reference Publications

Your college will also receive a “CAST Reference Collection (PDF).”

  • This includes more than two dozen recent CAST publications relating to all fields of agriculture — CAST Task Force Reports, Special Publications, and Issue Papers (a $300 value).
  • It can be used in your department library, Dean’s office, or any location that would benefit your faculty and students.

Current Publications

  • With every publication release, CAST sends each of your representatives a hard copy of new Issue Papers, Special Publications, and Task Force Reports.
  • Commentaries and Ag quickCASTs are available as free downloads. These brief, highly focused documents provide timely information on “hot topics” in agriculture, in user-friendly language.

Recognition of Your Support

Your organization is recognized on the CAST website and in the CAST Annual Report.

Representation on the CAST Board of Representatives (Optional but Encouraged)

Your university would have the opportunity to participate in CAST through a CAST Representative who serves on a work group (Animal Agriculture and Environmental Issues, Food Science and Safety, or Plant Agriculture and Environmental Issues).

  • The primary charge of a work group is to identify, clarify, and prioritize national issues and concerns they believe CAST should address; and then develop proposals for new publications and/or projects.
  • Representation would allow your school additional input on publications and projects and provide another method of outreach to the public on critical issues.
  • Through CAST your input can be changed into credible science-based communications that are respected and referenced by stakeholders, policymakers, the media, and the public.
  • Organizations on the board also have their names listed on publications and Friday Notes.

How It Works

  • Friday Notes may be distributed broadly within a university’s agriculture division.  This would include faculty and students within the agriculture college, veterinary college, extension services, and directors of experiment stations.  The program fee may be split among these different entities as the administration sees fit.
  • Your college would designate an administrator to receive CAST Friday Notes each Friday.  The designee would simply forward Friday Notes to distribute to your faculty/student listservs.
  • This valuable service is offered at only:
    • $3,000/year for institutions with ag enrollments of 1,000 or less.
    • $5,000/year for institutions with ag enrollments greater than 1,000.

Educational Resource Information

Here you can access issue papers, commentaries and other publications from CAST. These resources can be downloaded free, with no membership required. This page also offers information on leadership and development programs, and links to additional education resources.

To find out more about agricultural educational resources, click on one of the links below.


  • CAST Resource Collection (PDF) (July 2020)
    o   A cover page explaining briefly “What Is CAST?”
    o   10 examples of Ag quickCASTs—our newest series of short publications that each provide a 1-pg summary of a longer CAST publication, excerpted from the original and with hotlinks back to the full document when viewed online.
    o   The Forthcoming Publications listing, showing the topics that are actively in production at CAST.
  • Soils: The Foundation of LifeProceedings of a Workshop-in Brief and Presenter Slides and Videos. This workshop was held at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s Keck Center in Washington, DC on December 5, 2016.
  • Preventing Outbreaks of Avian Influenza Through Science-based Education of Commercial Poultry Farmers

Your Food, Farm to Table – a short infographic-style video that highlights the benefits of modern food production and technology

  • is a science-based site for students, teachers and the general public
  • eXtension – an educational partnership of 74 universities in the United States
  • One Health Initiative – collaborations and communications in all aspects of health care for humans, animals and the environment

Leadership and Development Programs:

Student Resources and Scholarship Information:

Agricultural Career Resources

These professional and educational organizations can provide more information about career options in agriculture, food science, engineering and other related fields.

University / Societies Representatives