
Deep Freeze on the Farm
January 29, 2019

January 30, 2019 Update:  In Minnesota, North Dakota, and other states, real temperatures were in […]

Hog Confinement Issue Includes a Scratch-and-Sniff Factor
January 24, 2019

Hard-working pig farmers have been in the Midwest since I was an Iowa farm boy […]

Eager Science Communicator Joins CAST
January 16, 2019

Kimberly Nelson Joins CAST Staff Kimberly presenting the early stages of her graduate research. Although […]

CAST Asks for Your Help in the New Year
January 10, 2019

As CAST works to stay true to the goals of the strategic plan, staff and […]

Sorry, We’re Open–Attractions of Small-town America
January 4, 2019

During the past few decades, many small towns have struggled to keep afloat, but plenty […]

Food Loss and Waste–New CAST Issue Paper
Press Release
December 30, 2018

Humans have always wasted food, but the scale of the problem today is unprecedented in […]

The Good, Bad, and Ugly of Agricultural Terms
December 27, 2018

A few years back on the Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon used newsworthy terms to demonstrate […]

The Week Before Christmas and Ag News Is Stirring
December 20, 2018

When it comes to agriculture, the week before Christmas has not been a “silent night,” […]

Destined to Be a Scientist
December 13, 2018

Sarah Klopatek, a research assistant at the University of California-Davis, was one of the five […]

CAST Has Much to Look Forward to in the New Year
December 11, 2018

A Word from Gabe Middleton, CAST’s New President As I recently took over the gavel […]