
CAST Has Much to Look Forward to in the New Year
December 11, 2018

A Word from Gabe Middleton, CAST’s New President As I recently took over the gavel […]

Cattle and Science Excite This Young Scientist
December 6, 2018

Maci Mueller, a graduate student assistant at the University of California-Davis, was one of the […]

Cattle and Science Excite This Young Scientist
December 6, 2018

Maci Mueller, a graduate student assistant at the University of California-Davis, was one of the […]

Climate Report–Forecasts, Links, and Extremes
December 4, 2018

A recent U.S. federal report finds that climate change is affecting the natural environment, agriculture, energy production, land/water resources, and human health.

Climate Report–Forecasts, Links, and Extremes
December 4, 2018

Global Forecast:  * A majority of scientists will continue to note that: (1) the earth’s […]

Blending a Love for Science and Nature
November 28, 2018

Rylie Ellison, a PhD student researcher at the University of California-Davis, was given the opportunity […]

Capitalizing on a Coffee Addiction
November 19, 2018

Mackenzie Batali, a graduate student researcher at the University of California-Davis Coffee Center, was given […]

Capitalizing on a Coffee Addiction
November 19, 2018

Mackenzie Batali, a graduate student researcher at the University of California-Davis Coffee Center, was given […]

Thanksgiving in Analog and the Real Black Friday
November 15, 2018

The latest American Farm Bureau Federation price survey for Thanksgiving came out, and the average […]

Genome Editing Cows, Pigs, Salmon–and the Platypus?
November 7, 2018

Now scientists can apply powerful new tools that have the potential to revolutionize agricultural practices […]