
Publish or Perish: How Social Media Helps Scientists Share Research
May 1, 2018

“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on […]

The Borlaug Legacy Lives On–Congratulations Dr. Marty Matlock!
April 26, 2018

Premier Communicator and Internationally Recognized Sustainability Expert On April 24 in Washington, D.C., CAST announced […]

2018 BCCA Award Goes to Marty Matlock
Press Release
April 24, 2018

The Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST) announces that the 2018 Borlaug CAST Communication […]

Farm Animal Welfare–New Report Tackles Challenging Issues
April 23, 2018

A major emerging challenge in the world of agriculture is the continuous need to meet […]

Animal Welfare–New CAST Task Force Report
Press Release
April 23, 2018

The drive to address agricultural animal welfare increases as the demand for food of animal […]

Technology, Intuition, and Working with Cows
April 18, 2018

With cow pedometers, robot milkers, and “bovine fitbits,” AI technology is transforming livestock agriculture. The […]

The Importance of University Research
April 12, 2018

A Collaboration of Recent Studies and Discoveries Every day we reap the benefits of discoveries […]

The Magical Animal–Recent Articles about Pigs
April 5, 2018

Many folks agree with Homer Simpson’s astute observation about pigs: “A wonderful, magical animal.” But […]

Regulatory Barriers Issue Paper–Presentations and Q & A
March 28, 2018

During a two-day event in Washington, D.C., on March 22-23, the Council for Agriculture Science […]

Cultivating Critical Thinking in Science
March 20, 2018

Through our network of experts, CAST prides itself in assembling, interpreting, and communicating credible, balanced, […]