
Agriculture and the Microbiome

Student Study Guide

Q&A from the August 25, 2020 Webinar

Agriculture is one of the keystones of human civilization, providing a reliable, stationary source of food that allowed ancient populations to grow and eventually build cities. Modern agriculture is successful today because of advances in mechanization, breeding, nutrients (e.g., fertilization), and pest and disease management, all of which enhance crop productivity and provide greater food security. Yet even with this progress, the amount of cropland per capita has declined, available farmland is being consumed by urban development at unprecedented rates, and crop yields are plateauing. Crop yields must continue to increase and the gap between plant productivity and consumption must be bridged. Expanding the use of crop microbiomes to improve plant production is that next agricultural revolution. Key words: plant science, soil science

IP68, August 2020, 24 pp. Available free online and in print (fee for shipping/handling).

Publication Impact Report – FINAL (August 2022)

Task Force Chairs

Megan Andrews

Ignazio Carbone

Task Force Authors

Andrew Binder

Natalie Breakfield

Owen Duckworth

Kirk Francis

Susanna L. Harris

Linda Kinkel

Jan Leach

Gregory Maloney

Kelci Miclaus
Elizabeth Shank

Elizabeth Stulberg

Carolyn Young

Sherryl Yu-Su

Task Force Reviewers

Kellye Eversole

Elizabeth Pierson

Task Force Board Liaison

Paul Ulanch