
Evaluation of the U.S. Regulatory Process for Crops Developed through Biotechnology

A group of nine science and policy experts prepared this evaluation of the process by which U.S. regulatory agencies determine the safety of biotechnology-derived crops. The authors found that the U.S. regulatory process is comprehensive and meets its charge of ensuring that biotechnology-derived foods are at least as safe as foods derived using traditional breeding techniques. The paper poses and then answers questions about how safety assessments and regulatory reviews are conducted, what strengths and weaknesses can be identified in those reviews, and whether there are improvements in the regulatory process that would enhance public confidence in the process. The authors offer ten recommendations for policy and research in agricultural biotechnology. Chair: Bruce M. Chassy, College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois.

IP19, October 2001, 14 pp., Available free online and in print (fee for shipping/handling).
(Keywords: Biotechnology, GMO, Crops)


Task Force Chair

Bruce Chassy

Task Force Author(s)

Stanley Abramson
Anne Bridges
William Dyer
Marjorie Faust
Susan Harlander
Susan Hefle
Ian Munro
Marlin Rice

Task Force Reviewers

Gregory Martin
Sally Miller
Keith Pitts
Stephanie Smith