
Food Fats and Health

This CAST report supports dietary recommendations to decrease food fat consumption from the present national average of 37% to less than 30% of the total caloric intake. The agricultural and food industries are responding by redesigning fresh and processed foods so that consumers can more readily meet these recommendations. Chair: Donald C. Beitz, Iowa State University, Ames.

R118, December 1991, 96 pp. OUT OF PRINT, Available as download only.


Task Force Chair

Donald Beitz

Task Force Members

Leonard Cohen
Kent Erickson
R. Gaurth Hansen
David Hettinga
Barbara Howard
James Iacono
Ronald Jandacek

Task Force Members

Jimmy Keeton
David Kritchevsky
Robert Merkel
Edwin Moran
Dale Romsos
Richard Wilson
Jerry Young
Robert Zimbelman