
Global Risks of Infectious Animal Diseases


Animal diseases impact food supplies, trade and commerce, and human health worldwide. Some outbreaks have had severe consequences on the economies and social well-being of the population in affected countries. This paper discusses patterns of livestock diseases, factors affecting the emergence of diseases, impacts on human health, and international monitoring and response efforts. Cochairs: James Pearson, International Consultant, Ames, Iowa, and M.D. Salman, Colorado State University, Fort Collins.

IP28, February 2005, 16 pp., Available free online and in print (fee for shipping/handling).


Task Force Co-chair

James Pearson
M.D. Salman

Task Force Author(s)

Karim BenJebara
Corrie Brown
Pierre Formenty
Christian Griot
Andrew James
Thomas Jemmi
Lonnie King
Elizabeth Lautner
Brian McCluskey
Francois Meslin
Valerie Regan

Task Force Reviewers

Robert Kahrs
Stuart MacDiarmid
N. James MacLachlan
N. Ole Nielsen

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