
Herbicide-resistant Weeds Threaten Soil Conservation Gains: Finding a Balance for Soil and Farm Sustainability

Herbicides were developed during the twentieth century to be used with conventional tillage for weed control. Conservation (or minimum) tillage subsequently evolved, which enabled less soil damage when used with herbicides. Selection pressure, however, has resulted in weed species that have made adaptations for survival in conjunction with tillage. The U.S. government has put several federal policies and programs in place that help determine the selection and implementation of crops and conservation programs in relation to herbicides and tillage. This Issue Paper (IP 49) examines the impact of certain weed management practices on soil conservation objectives and addresses ways to mitigate negative effects. Chair: David R. Shaw, Office of Research and Economic Development, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State.

IP49, February 2012, 16 pp. Available free online and in print (fee for shipping/handling).

Spanish Translation

Publication Impact Report – March 2012


Task Force Chair

David Shaw

Task Force Author(s)

Stanley Culpepper

Micheal Owen

Andrew Price

Robert Wilson

Task Force Reviewers

Kassim Al-Khatib

William Johnson

John Soteres

William Witt

Task Force Board Liaison

Phillip Stahlman