Accurate assessment of the quality of agricultural products is essential in today’s rapidly globalizing economy. A few changes in policies and regulations related to the quality of agricultural products could increase access to U.S. export and domestic markets. Chair: Lowell D. Hill, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
R126, ISBN 1-887383-04-2, January 1996, 288 pp., Summary and Conclusions, ISBN 1-887383-05-0, 25 pp., Available free online and in print (fee for shipping/handling).
Task Force Chair
Lowell Hill
Task Force Members
Paul Aho
Thomas Applewhite
Keith Belk
H. Russell Cross
Lawrence Duewer
Steven Duncan
Wojciech Florkowski
Randal Garrett
Task Force Members
Eluned Jones
Donald Koeltzow
J. Legates
Richard Lovell
Neal Martin
Kenneth Nelson
John Nichols
Stephen Sapp
James Vetter
Eric Wailes