Protecting the public from food safety risks, while maintaining a viable agricultural and food industry in an open society, is a daunting task. Risk analysis provides a systematic and transparent process for gathering information, estimating risks, weighing options, drawing conclusions, and communicating information to arrive at decisions that meet broad societal needs. This paper identifies and defines the components of a valid microbial risk analysis and focuses attention on risk assessment strategies, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each. Cochairs:Lee-Ann Jaykus, North Carolina State University, and Sherri Dennis, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, College Park, Maryland.
IP31, June 2006, 20 pp., Available free online and in print (fee for shipping/handling).
Publication Impact Report – September 2006
Task Force Co-chair
Sherri Dennis
Lee-Ann Jaykus
Task Force Author(s)
Dane Bernard
H. Gregg Claycamp
Daniel Gallagher
Arthur Miller
Morris Potter
Mark Powell
Donald Schaffner
Mary Alice Smith
Toby Ten Eyck
Task Force Reviewers
Michael Batz
Robert Buchanan
Leon Gorris
Susan Santos
Task Force Board Liaison
Harold Swaisgood