
Fate and Transport of Pathogens in Swine Manure


This publication, “Fate and Transport of Zoonotic Bacterial, Viral, and Parasitic Pathogens During Swine Manure Treatment, Storage, and Land Application,” is a collaborative effort of CAST and the National Pork Board to provide a literature review on topics directly related to swine manure management systems, bacterial hazards associated with swine manure, common swine viruses, and the fate and transport of zoonotic parasite pathogens. The majority of microbes contained in swine manure are not pathogenic to humans. The effectiveness of swine manure management systems to prevent environmental contamination with human pathogens is a concern, however, because of potential environmental pathways by which these zoonotic pathogens may be transported to water resources. The publication includes an Appendix and Comprehensive Reference Section with more than 400 citations. Cochairs: Dana Cole, Georgia Division of Public Health, Atlanta, and Jan Vinja, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia.

SP29, December 2008, 66 pp. Available free online and in print (fee for shipping/handling).

Task Force Co-chair

Dana Cole
Jan Vinje

Task Force Author(s)

Veronica Costantini
Sagar Goyal
Marie Gramer
Roderick Mackie
Xiang-Jin Meng
Patricia Millner
Gil Myers
Linda Saif
Cherie Ziemer

Task Force Reviewers

Dean Cliver
Sheridan Haack
Vincent Hill
Joan Lunney
Pierre Payment
Jeffrey Zimmerman

Project Manager

Rich Vetter

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