
Environmental Impacts of Livestock on U.S. Grazing Lands

This issue paper takes a critical look at the environmental impacts of grazing systems and provides guidance on land management tools. Key issues of concern include alteration of wildlife habitat and degradation of soil and water quality. The authors find that current problems may stem from land use practices of several decades ago and may require active management practices to restore the land’s health. Cochairs: William C. Krueger, Department of Rangeland Resources, Oregon State University, Corvallis, and Matt A. Sanderson, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, University Park, Pennsylvania.

IP22, November 2002, 16 pp., Available free online and in print (fee for shipping/handling).


Task Force Co-chair

William Krueger
Matt Sanderson

Task Force Author(s)

Jim Cropper
Claudia Kelley
Mary Miller-Goodman
Rex Pieper
Pat Shaver
M. Trlica

Task Force Reviewers

Vivien Allen
Dwight Fisher
Kris Havstad
Phillip Sims