
Mycotoxins: Risks in Plant, Animal, and Human Systems

This extensive report compiles the most current, complete information available on mycotoxins in order to provide an understanding of their associated risks and impacts on plant, animal, and human systems. The report seeks to educate those making decisions that affect regulation and control of foods and feeds as well as to illuminate the potential for mycotoxins to impact international trade of commodities and food products. Among the topics covered are fungal growth and mycotoxin development, occurrence of mycotoxins in food and feed, mycotoxins and human disease, and mycotoxicoses of animals. Cochairs: John L. Richard, Romer Labs, Inc., Union, Missouri, and Gary A. Payne, Department of Plant Pathology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh.

R139, January 2003, ISBN 1-887383-22-0, 199 pp., Available free online and in print (fee for shipping/handling).


Task Force Co-chair

Gary Payne
John Richard

Task Force Author(s)

Anne Desjardins
Chris Maragos
William Norred
James Pestka
Timothy Phillips
Peter Vardon
Thomas Whitaker
Garnett Wood
Hans van Egmond

Task Force Reviewers

Deepak Bhatnagar
Wayne Bryden
John Gilbert
Albert Pohland
Willem de Koe

Task Force Contributors

Alex Bermudez
Eva Maria Binder
David Ledoux
Gary Munkvold
Daniel Prelusky
G. Rottinghaus
Christopher Schardl
Charles Woloshuk