
Ionizing Energy in Food Processing and Pest Control: I. Wholesomeness of Food Treated With Ionizing Energy

A number of years ago, CAST published two reports dealing with the irradiation of foods: Report 109, July 1986 and Report 115, June 1989. The Food Science and Agricultural Technology Work Group of the CAST Board of Directors believes that these documents contain a great deal of useful information that is not found easily elsewhere. Therefore, they have recommended that these reports be made available through the CAST website. Readers should be cautious, however, in using information that is obviously dated. The report discusses the appropriate uses of ionizing energy for the treatment of food products and draws conclusions based on available scientific evidence. Chairs: Edward S. Josephson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, and Eugen Wierbicki (deceased), USDA, ARS. R109, July 1986, 50 pp., $10.00; Interpretive Summary, 1 p., free.