
Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Mitigation: Challenges and Opportunities for Agriculture

Greenhouse gases (GHGs) are of increasing concern because of their potential role in promoting rapid and undesirable change in climate. Agriculture ironically serves as both a source and a sink for this increase in GHGs. This report analyzes agriculture’s complex, pivotal role in this vitally important issue by considering policy options, implementation, and future monitoring and verification of GHG mitigation. The report outlines seven potential methods for agricultural mitigation of GHG concentrations. Cochairs: Keith Paustian, Colorado State University, and Bruce Babcock, Iowa State University.

R141, May 2004, ISBN 1-887383-26-3, 120 pp., Available free online and in print (fee for shipping/handling).


Task Force Co-chair

Bruce Babcock
Keith Paustian

Task Force Author(s)

Jerry Hatfield
Catherine Kling
Rattan Lal
Bruce McCarl
Sandy McLaughlin
Arvin Mosier
Wilfred Post
G. Philip Robertson
Norman Rosenberg
Cynthia Rosenzweig
William Schlesinger
David Zilberman

Task Force Technical Advisor

Andrew Manale