
Ecological Impacts of Federal Conservation and Cropland Reduction Programs

Addresses the ecological implications of several programs established in the 1985 Food Security Act, including the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), Sodbuster, Swampbuster, Conservation Compliance, and Acreage Reduction Program (ARP). The authors include persons with expertise in many disciplines. Chair: John R. Abernathy, Texas A&M Research and Extension Center, Lubbock.

R117, September 1990, 28 pp., Available free online and in print (fee for shipping/handling).


Task Force Chair

John Abernathy

Task Force Members

Thomas Archer
James Barrentine
John Barrett
Thomas Bedell
Evert Byington
Alan Dexter
Jerry Doll

Task Force Members

Allen Farris
Robert Frans
Ellery Knake
Dean Linscott
Robert Moulton
Ted Napier
James Parochetti

Task Force Members

F. W. (Bill) Plap
Alan Randall
Jerry Ritchie
Ann Robinson
James Spitz
Barry Swanson
A. Douglas Worsham