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Methods for the disposal of poultry carcasses currently include burial, incineration, composting, and rendering. Although each method is preferable under...

Native North American wild sheep species are very susceptible to pneumonia and particularly to pasteurellosis. Although the current understanding about...

This Issue Paper provides a critical assessment of information available on methods of swine carcass disposal under routine and catastrophic...

PART 7, “ANIMAL AGRICULTURE’S FUTURE THROUGH BIOTECHNOLOGY.” Infectious animal diseases continue to rank foremost among the significant factors limiting efficient...

Scientists have documented an array of benefits to the environment and to humans resulting from turfgrasses. Water management is a...

This Issue Paper identifies the nature of gene flow and discusses the relatively limited situations in which it is likely...

This new Commentary provides a scientific assessment of the production potential and regional impacts of large-scale cellulosic ethanol production. It...

In an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, expand domestic energy production, and maintain economic growth, public and private investments...