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Protecting the public from food safety risks, while maintaining a viable agricultural and food industry in an open society, is...

Although much of the concern about a possible pandemic outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza revolves around human health outcomes,...

The reported number of bird deaths and subsequent human deaths resulting from exposure to influenza A-infected birds has increased steadily,...

This CAST Commentary provides an up-to-date evaluation of the use of biotechnology in crop production. The concise, fact-based document addresses...

Las variedades transgénicas de cultivos han sido consumidas por hombres y animales en muchos países, por lo que se dispone...

PART 3, “ANIMAL AGRICULTURE’S FUTURE THROUGH BIOTECHNOLOGY.”This paper provides a discussion of metabolic modifiers–a group of compounds that alter the...

La presencia adventicia se refiere a la mezcla no intencional de cantidades mínimas de un tipo de semilla o producto,...

Adventitious presence refers to the unintended commingling of trace amounts of one type of seed, or product, with another. Although...