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This paper provides background on some ways in which ethics is applied productively to the food and agriculture system. Ethics...

Animal diseases impact food supplies, trade and commerce, and human health worldwide. Some outbreaks have had severe consequences on the...

Los brotes recientes de encefalopatía espongiforme bovina (enfermedad de la vaca loca), el virus del oeste del Nilo, la fiebre...

¿Que es exactamente lo que hace que algo sea “correcto” o “incorrecto”?. Y en el campo del medio ambiente agrícola,...

Composed of five stand-alone pieces, this issue paper highlights the current science, processes, and potentials for energy production through agriculture,...

The April 2003 CAST-convened symposium on pest resistance management (PRM) was the first such U.S.-based multidisciplinary stakeholder meeting in nearly...

PART 2, “ANIMAL AGRICULTURE’S FUTURE THROUGH BIOTECHNOLOGY.” This issue paper examines current and future concerns and benefits for using animals...

Following a 2-day workshop sponsored jointly by CAST and the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, an...