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This issue paper takes a critical look at the environmental impacts of grazing systems and provides guidance on land management...

This issue paper outlines the technologies and approaches that poultry and livestock producers can use to decrease the amounts of...

A comprehensive review of the scientific literature supports the conclusion that overall the currently commercialized biotechnology-derived soybean, corn, and cotton...

The changing role of agriculture in urban settings is considered in this comprehensive report written by a twelve-member task force....

This CAST issue paper provides policymakers and others with a nine-step guide to curtail the impact of non-native pests, including...

A group of nine science and policy experts prepared this evaluation of the process by which U.S. regulatory agencies determine...

Individuals in the agricultural professions make valuable contributions to society, but the American public sometimes questions the relevance of those...

Johne’s disease is primarily an intestinal infection of ruminants. Largely ignored by the livestock industry in the past, Johne’s disease...