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A CAST task force of 6 scientists provides recommendations to help better understand all aspects of hypoxia in the Gulf...

Scientists discuss the risks associated with sudden loss of pesticides due to the implementation of the Food Quality Protection Act...

Scientists offer 27 recommendations for preserving the full range of biological diversity and state that stewardship of biodiversity is an...

Discussion of the feasibility of applying the medical model of prescriptions to high-risk pesticides that are being reassessed following passage...

Scientists offer 18 recommendations as a platform to focus and stimulate efforts toward food safety improvements. Cochairs: Peggy Foegeding, Department...

A panel of five members of the National Academy of Sciences formed by CAST examine the scientific merits of the...

New and changing circumstances require examination of policy options by governments, agribusinesses, food producers and processors, and consumers. In response...

Many biologically derived substances exhibit antimicrobial properties in the foods in which they normally are found or may be developed...