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Better data on microbial risks are needed to make the U.S. food supply safer. Cochairs: Peggy M. Foegeding, Department of...

Review of scientific evidence in response to proposed U.S. Food and Drug Administration policy for labeling of foods from new...

Scientists found no evidence that supplemental selenium use for farm animals and poultry, including feedlot concentrations, was involved in any...

Introduction; the issue; pesticide varieties, uses, and resulting pollution potential; relating concentrations in water resources to human and ecosystem risk;...

Definition of wetlands, functions and values, agricultural conflicts, socioeconomic issues, conservation concepts, conclusions. Chair: Jay A. Leitch, North Dakota State...

Advances in farming technology combined with changing values and diets could ensure that the world’s population will use existing cropland...

The five members of a CAST task force who reviewed the National Research Council (NRC) report agree that the report...

Concurs with the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and National Academy of Sciences (NAS) amicus curiae brief...