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La salud de los animales dentro del sistema de producción de alimentos repercute en muchos aspectos del sistema muy alejados...

This paper (IP 50) addresses specific water and land concerns related to animal agriculture. The authors consider issues of water...

The health of the animals within the food animal production system impacts many aspects of the system far removed from...

The Clean Water Act of 1987 states that the elimination of pollutant discharge into navigable water is a national goal....

Energy Issues Affecting Corn/Soybean Systems: Challenges for Sustainable Production (IP 48) speaks to energy issues within the corn/soybean production system...

The need to decrease concentrations of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) in Earth’s atmosphere has been identified as...

Humans and animals have been consuming genetically engineered (GE) food from plants for decades, but the recent approval of GE...