New CAST Food Videos Will Inform Consumers

March 24, 2015

CAST Video Project Answers Top Food Questions

Eating Is a Necessity–Eating Smart Is Your Choice

According to government sources, 48 million cases of foodborne illness occur each year in the United States, and most are a result of improper food handling at home. So how do you keep from becoming one of these grim statistics? CAST has answers for that and many other common questions regarding food in its new upcoming film series, “Top 50 Food Questions.”

The concise, entertaining videos are filled with credible, understandable information. By answering key questions about food, CAST will help to clear the air for consumers in the aisles.

The 90-second videos tackle topics from antibiotics in meat to omega-3s and 6s. If you’re like most consumers, dates on food labels can cause confusion and concern. A CAST video will help clear up such questions.

And what about the best ways to handle food safety in the home? Check out the sample video here: “How Do I Keep Groceries Safe to Eat?”

In conjunction with the Bernhardt Consulting Company, CAST is working with many stellar companies in agriculture to secure sponsors for the CAST “Top 50 Food Questions” educational video series.

** If your company or a client of yours wants to partner with CAST on this important consumer education project, please contact Randy Bernhardt at or call (505) 227-4090.

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Your donation to CAST helps support the CAST mission of communicating science to meet the challenge of producing enough food, fiber and fuel for a growing population. Every gift, no matter the size, is appreciated.