The Importance of University Research

A Collaboration of Recent Studies and Discoveries

Every day we reap the benefits of discoveries made or knowledge advanced from public and private research universities. They continue to produce discoveries that improve the health of living organisms, grow our economy, provide an innovative hands-on learning environment for students, and enhance our day-to-day lives in profound ways. CAST truly appreciates the work of our 14 member universities that complements our mission of serving as a catalyst and voice for credible, balanced, science-based information. The goal of these universities–developing the minds of future scientists and agriculturalists paired with their internationally respected research programs–makes their work extremely valuable. In this week’s blog we highlight a few recent findings from an array of universities. As colleges prepare for summer break, CAST would like to continue to encourage collaboration through educational membership, free student membership, or other forms of association.

From Moo to Brew: This professor is working to turn
dairy waste into a flavorful drink with an alcoholic kick.
Dairy by-product beer could soon be found on tap near you.

Protein Process in Plants: This Cornell study pinpoints exactly where a key protein forms before triggering the flowering process in plants.

Straight from the Kitchen: NC State Extension and NC State University have launched a new educational video series that aims to reconnect people to the food, landscape, and agriculture of North Carolina.

Keeping Crops Safe:  Purdue University has designed a bag to allow for the storage of grain in a more safe and efficient manner–with a much larger goal of putting an end to hunger.

From Feed to Fever (video):  Kansas State University is involved in researching the African swine fever’s ability to spread through imported feed and feed ingredients. 

Making Microbiology Fun: This university partnered with a local museum to give introductory microbiology students a unique service learning opportunity. 

Breeding Better Beans: These grad students
have begun field tests on a very rare commodity
high-yield, disease-resistant bean varieties
that can thrive on organic farms.

Algae Forestry:  These scientists believe algae may be the key to unlocking an important negative-emission technology to combat climate change.  

Online Grocery Shopping (video):  ABC News and UC Davis post-harvest extension specialists compared three same-day delivery services by placing simultaneous orders and judging their results.

Product with Potential: A wind-powered grain drying system developed by students at the University of Kentucky could improve grain quality and human health in Africa

Injectable Bandage:  This Texas A&M study uses a common thickening agent, obtained from seaweed, to design an injectable bandage–stimulating the structure of human tissue.  

Fertility Research (video):  An Iowa State professor studies how factors such as environmental stress, obesity, and chemical exposure affect female fertility and reproduction in both humans and animals. 

Space Gardener: This University of Florida student is developing imaging procedures for a GoPro with hopes of using this technology to grow food on Mars.

Pig Health:  Researchers say recent interest in the microbiome and its effects on infectious disease has expanded to include pathogens primarily affecting the respiratory tract.

Frog Findings (video): This University of Nevada disease
ecologist went on a search to help prevent frogs from
, but instead he found clues on predicting
and responding to something much bigger.

Beet Synthetic Dyes:  A team of Cornell food scientists has discovered a way to process natural beet juice to replace synthetic red dyes in a variety of foods.  

Entomology Experiment: This doctoral student in entomology recently spent time in China learning more about new ways to attract beneficial insects to the habitat around farmers’ fields.  

By: Kylie Peterson 
(images from:,, and

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