Turkey Droppings

From Canada to India, many countries give thanks at the end of harvest time, and the United States is famous for its Thanksgiving Day traditions. These links might give you a bit to chew on as you prepare to celebrate:

** Most turkeys this week won’t be so lucky, but the two presidential birds–currently named Drumstick and Wishbone–will fly from their Minnesota farm to the posh life in the Washington, D.C., Willard Hotel. Rooms there range from $200 to $3,500, and we’re not sure what berries, nuts, and cracked corn go for on the room service menu. The National Turkey Federation will pay the bill. These birds have been trained by 4-H members who know how to get a bird ready for a presidential pardon–they use country music, worm grubs, and anything shiny. 
** The American Farm Bureau Federation’s 32nd annual price survey of classic items found on the Thanksgiving Day dinner table indicates the average cost of this year’s feast is down from last year’s. 

** But buyer beware. Some folks are willing to pay more for “heritage turkeys,” but fake ones are causing a problem.

Step Two: Let turkey chill in sink for 4 hours.

** On Thanksgiving Day, nearly 90% of American homes will feature a turkey, but not many take on the “whole food” mentality–parts of the turkey are unused. This company has a “beaks and butt” theme, as they ship all parts of the bird–from innards to tail–to various places around the world.  

** Not all turkeys are happy about the attention this time of year. This short video is a compilation filled with turkeys getting even. And this even shorter clip shows that a turkey might need a hug sometimes, too. 

** If Thanksgiving brings on a nostalgic twinge, get in the Wayback Machine to visit a time when traditions were low tech, no frills, and all analog.

by dan gogerty (top pic from dailymail.co.uk and bottom one from imgur.com)

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