Livestock Antibiotics, Haggis, and the Bear Facts

Folks used to sit on the porch shootin’ the breeze. For many, now the porch is a cubicle and the breeze is digital. These are a few of the stories floating around our cyber porch today.

**  Livestock and Antibiotics:  The American Medical Association (AMA) is calling for federal action to ban antibiotic use in food animals for growth promotion purposes so as to slow the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.  

Note: This peer-reviewed CAST publication looks at antibiotic use and other animal health issues. The Direct Relationship between Animal Health and Food Safety Outcomes

**  Haggis on the Menu?  The British government has dispatched its Environment Secretary to Washington to try and convince the Obama administration to lift a 43-year-old ban on importing haggis. Haggis, the Scottish delicacy consisting of a sheep’s heart, lungs, and liver simmered with onion, oatmeal, suet, and spices in a sausage casing — or sheep’s stomach for the traditionalists  

**  Food Fears:  Many consumers have found food ingredients and products the subject of their food nightmares. But according to a new study, educators and industry can combat ingredient-based fears if they effectively communicate the substances’ history, background, and general usage.

Note: This science-based Issue Paper from CAST examines GMO food labelingThe Potential Impacts of Mandatory Labeling for Genetically Engineered Food in the United States.

**  Crashing the Party: A young bear fell through an Alaska couple’s skylight while they were preparing to celebrate their child’s birthday, sending the humans scurrying out the room while he feasted on cupcakes.
Note: The Zen of Bears Blog–I’d Rather Be a Bear in a Hammock than a Bear in a Cage.
by dan gogerty  (cattle pic from ars; bear pic from rendezvousblogs.nytimes) 

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