Cyber Porch—Food Myths, Ag Research, and Farmer Traits

Folks used to sit on the porch shootin’ the breeze. For many now, the porch is a cubicle and the breeze is digital. These are a few of the stories floating around our cyber porch today.

Food Myths: A look at “conventional wisdom” during the past decades has butter giving way to margarine and then churning back to the front; coffee getting cloudy and then perking up again; and chocolate as a rich temptation, now back as a foodie delight. This site examines items from red wine to fried foods. Are brown eggs better than white? Some good points, but it’s hard to say what the advice will be in the future. For example, the sugar/fructose issue has been a sweet and sour issue. Check this blog for a look at how we dealt with it back in the “pre-nutritionally aware” days. 

Ag Research: Public investment in agricultural research is waning, a former Secretary of agriculture says, but American academics still have the skills necessary to make the country a leader in solving food security challenges. CAST provides an insightful–and free–publication regarding this important research issue.

Farmer Boasting:  We’ve run across many sites shouting out about what it’s like to be a farmer. Nothing better, most say. And this site boasts about the 10 things farmers know better than anyone else. I was interested to see that number one is “patience.” How true–and how important in this blog about “Why I Am Not a Farmer.” Patience and a very ugly rooster are key ingredients to my decision.

by dan gogerty


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