Cyber Porch—Sustainable Beef, Bacon Science & a Cheesy Problem

Some folks used to sit on the front porch, sharing news and stories. Now most of us sit Dilbert-style in a cubicle as the digital world surges at us. Here are three ag-related stories we’re talking about today on our front porch. 

Bacon Sundae, anyone?

Beefy Moves:  McDonald’s Corporation announced starting in 2016 it will begin an endeavor to purchase verified sustainable beef, as a part of its mission to purchase sustainable beef for all its restaurants  worldwide. CAST recently published an influential paper regarding beef production, Animal Feed vs. Human Food: Challenges and Opportunities in Sustaining Animal Agriculture Toward 2050.

Homer Would Be Drooling:  I’m not shoving bacon at you, but baconmania continues. This article explains a “Bacon Elegance Dinner,” this video describes how you can “share your love of bacon with your kids” at a science center, and this blog looks at the phenomenon from a pig’s point of view.

A Cheesy Problem:  Kraft Foods in Chicago warned Velveeta fans they may have a hard time finding the Super Bowl staple in the weeks leading up to the big February 2 game. 

by dan gogerty (pic from

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