Cyber Porch—Food, Energy, and Bacon Peanut Brittle

Some folks used to sit on the front porch, sharing news and stories. Now most of us sit Dilbert-style in a cubicle as the digital world surges at us. Here are three ag-related stories we’re talking about today on our front porch.

1.     Food Security–Many discuss the problem of food security. If you haven’t heard the near-panic phrase “how will we feed the world of 2050?” then you’ve been away from your digital devices. Maybe you’ve actually been busy helping feed the world. It is an important issue. This research claims that a sufficient diet is now going to 61% of the world’s population—up from 30% in 1961. Encouraging, but 100% is the obvious goal. Many groups are working on this including the Elanco group and its “Enough” campaign. We follow Jeff Simmons on his active Twitter account to keep up with various thoughts about food security.
2.     Energy–From biofuels to solar, folks talk and argue about alternative energy. 2013
ended with some news blowin’ in the wind. Warren Buffett’s utility company ordered nearly $1 billion worth of wind turbines, and some say the growing demand for wind  power will offset the waning use of fossil fuels. For a farmer’s eye view of the wind generators, check this blog, Tilting at Windmills in the Fields of Dreams.

3.     Baconmania–Bacon keeps sizzlin’ during porch conversations, so we can’t ignore it. This recipe combining bacon and classic peanut brittle won an award from the Food Republic group. For a pig’s eye view of the bacon phenomenon, check this blog, Wilbur’s Lament

by dan gogerty (photo from

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