Where the Wild Things Are–Polar Bears, Wild Boars, and Wily Coyotes

Years ago we started tracking the interaction of wildlife and “domesticated humans,” as everything from moose to coyotes seems to be checking out the suburbs more regularly. This week, the media frenzy is focused on an Arctic village in Russia–but several other close encounters are noteworthy too. 

What to Do If a Polar Bear Knocks at the Door

The polar bear invasion revolves around a remote Arctic island town with more than 50 animals besieging the place. A state of emergency has been declared on the Soviet nuclear testing archipelago Novaya Zemlya as the bears have even entered the front doors of apartment blocks.

You Won’t Have a “Boaring Time” in Hong Kong

Hong Kong’s wild boars have been venturing from the territory’s rain forests into its urban centers—and culture clashes are becoming more frequent. The number of sightings and nuisance reports has more than doubled in the last five years.   

A Wily Coyote Is OK, But Aggressive? Not So Much

Frisco, California, is launching a new, interactive map designed to help track coyote sightings. Several known coyote attacks and incidents of aggressive coyotes have been reported in Frisco since October. 

Urban Animals and a Ground Squirrel with Attacking Instincts

This past blog includes two more stories about encounters with wild things:

(1) Speaking of wily coyotes, one was photographed on the “L” train in Chicago, apparently as it headed toward Wrigley Field. We’re not sure if it is a true Cubs fan, but it symbolizes the fact that coyotes are becoming increasingly urbanized.  

(2) And speaking of animals that get aggressive, this story describes a protective mother ground squirrel and her dislike for a certain 11-year-old boy who wanted to make her a “pet.” 
By Dan Gogerty (top pic from newsamed.com and bottom pic from npr.org)

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