Ag Happenings in D.C.–Communication Award and Publication Rollout

During an exciting week for agriculture, CAST announced that Dr. Frank Mitloehner is the 2019 Borlaug CAST Communication Award honoree, and the organization also rolled out its newest issue paper–a science-based examination of water quality and the impacts of agricultural nutrients. Both events occurred in the nation’s capital, and adding to the buzz, CAST board members gathered for the annual spring meeting.

Borlaug CAST Communication Award  

The BCCA announcement program in Washington, D.C., has become an anticipated annual event celebrating the need for effective communication in the world of agriculture. This year’s presentation occurred at the USDA Whitten Patio, and Deputy Under Secretary Scott Hutchins welcomed attendees with insights about the agriculture department and CAST’s role in producing credible information for policymakers and the public.

CAST EVP Kent Schescke then introduced the guest speaker, Dr. Marty Matlock–the 2018 BCCA recipient. Matlock (University of Arkansas) is renowned for his research and insights about food production, sustainability, and global trends. Matlock spoke about “The Promise of Prosperity from the Land in the 21st Century” and then answered questions from the audience.

Dr. Frank Mitloehner

CAST President Dr. Gabe Middleton (American Association of Bovine Practitioners) spoke about the BCCA selection process and then announced this year’s recipient, Frank Mitloehner. A professor and specialist at UC-Davis, Mitloehner is well respected for his ability to communicate scientific information about livestock agriculture and the impacts on climate. He believes scientists should share what they know, and along with hundreds of presentations and media appearances, Mitloehner maintains an active presence on social media.

The Borlaug CAST Communication Award is sponsored by the CropLife Foundation, and the event concluded with remarks from Kellie Bray (CropLife America Chief of Staff).

Click here to access a video recording of the full presentation–Dr. Matlock’s speech begins at 12:26 and the BCCA announcement comes at the 40:11 mark.

Issue Paper Presentations

On April 15, Dr. Heidi Peterson presented highlights of CAST’s new issue paper, Reducing the Impacts of Agricultural Nutrients on Water Quality across a Changing Landscape, at three D.C. venues–the Longworth House Office Building, the Russell Senate Office Building, and the Fertilizer Institute. Peterson provided an overview of the processes, conservation practices, and programs that influence the impact of agriculture on surface and groundwater quality. Peterson currently serves as the Phosphorus Program Director for the International Plant Nutrition Institute, and she is recognized for her expertise regarding water management and agriculture.


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