Stanley R. Johnson

Dr. Stanley R. Johnson is recently retired from the position of Vice Provost for Extension and Charles F. Curtiss Distinguished Professor, Department of Economics, Iowa State University (ISU).

Dr. Johnson has been highly active in leadership positions with the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC). These have included Policy Board of Directors/Board on Agriculture Assembly (PBD/BAA), Chair of the Task Force negotiating extended cooperation with the Department of Energy (DOE), and past Chair of the NASULGC Legislative Committee and the Farm Bill Task Force for NASULGC.

Before being appointed as Vice Provost for Extension, Dr. Johnson was the Director of the Center for Agricultural and Rural Development (CARD) at ISU. Prior to his appointment at ISU in 1985, he held faculty positions in Economics and/or Agricultural Economics at the University of Missouri-Columbia, the University of California-Berkeley, Purdue University, the University of Georgia, the University of California-Davis, and the University of Connecticut.

Dr. Johnson is a Fellow of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Foreign Member of the Former Soviet Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the Russian Academy of Agricultural Science, the Ukraine Agricultural Academy of Science, and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He is also Honorary Professor of the Center for Rural Development Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences; and Honorary Professor of the National Ukrainian Agricultural University. He has received the American Agricultural Economics Association Award for Outstanding Policy Contribution, the ISU Wilton Park International Service Award, the International Honor Award of the Office of International Cooperation and Development, United States Department of Agriculture, and the Hall of Fame Award from the U.S. Department of Energy. He has an Honorary Doctorate from Western Illinois University and Alumni Awards from Texas Tech University and Texas A&M University.

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