Press Releases

Student Study Guides
Category: Blog/News
September, 2020

CAST offers student study guides, available by going to the paper’s landing page on the […]

“Agriculture and the Microbiome” Blog
Category: Blog/News
August, 2020

The most recent issue paper titled Agriculture and the Microbiome was released on Monday, August […]

Meet Pam Marrone–A BioAg Entrepreneur
Category: Blog/News
August, 2020

Dr. Pam Marrone is a long-time supporter of CAST as an individual member. In 2006 […]

How does plant disease affect my breakfast?
Category: Blog/News
August, 2020

What do you look forward to in the morning? A cup of tea? Coffee? What […]

Hormones Q&A Session
Category: Blog/News
August, 2020

  On July 28, 2020, CAST hosted a webinar over the new release, Impacts on […]

Catching Up with Alison Van Eenennaam
Category: Blog/News
July, 2020

This week we’re catching up with our 2014 Borlaug CAST Communication Award winner. Alison Van […]

Guest Blog–Paradox of Addressing Animal Welfare While Dehumanizing People
Category: Blog/News
July, 2020

Dr. Candace Croney (Purdue University), who was a co-chair on CAST’s Scientific, Ethical, and Economic Aspects […]

Catching Up with Marty Matlock
Category: Blog/News
July, 2020

Marty Matlock received his Ph.D. in biosystems engineering from Oklahoma State University. Currently he serves as […]

COVID-19 and Agriculture—Webinar Update
Category: Blog/News
July, 2020

Approximately 1,200 people registered for the Economic Impacts of COVID-19 on Food and Agricultural Markets […]

COVID-19 Webinar Summary
Category: Blog/News
June, 2020

On June 29, the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST) and the Agricultural & […]

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