Press Releases

Infographic: Agricultural Practices and Their Impacts on Water
Category: Blog/News
July, 2019

Earlier this year, CAST released two papers focused on water use in agriculture and the […]

Label Talk–Part 3: How Do We Fix Food Labeling Problems?
Category: Blog/News
June, 2019

Last week, I shared some thoughts about why food labels (specifically process labels) are good […]

Government Rulings, Futuristic Machines, and the Smell of Fresh-cut Hay
Category: Blog/News
June, 2019

  USDA Announcement Farmers who planted cover crops on prevented plant acres will be permitted […]

Label Talk–Part 2: The Pros and Cons of Voluntary Labeling
Category: Blog/News
June, 2019

This post is the second installment in a blog series focused on the use (and […]

Agriculture Must Replace Small Science with Big Science
Category: Blog/News
June, 2019

With an insightful new opinion piece in The Scientist, Sylvie Brouder explains why “Agronomic sciences […]

Label Talk–A Blog Series About Misleading Food Labels: Part I
Category: Blog/News
June, 2019

Part I This post is the first installment in a blog series focused on the […]

Livestock Auctioneers–Speed, Stamina, Savvy, and Rap
Category: Blog/News
June, 2019

The World Auctioneer Championship recently occurred, and a new article explains why livestock producers should […]

Dr. David Baltensperger Voted CAST President-Elect for 2019-20
Category: Blog/News
June, 2019

In a recent election at the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST), Dr. David […]

Spring Planting in a Year of Cosmic Challenges
Category: Blog/News
June, 2019

This year’s planting season has Midwest farmers adding fins and snorkels to their daily attire. […]

Carol Gostele Retiring from CAST
Category: Blog/News
May, 2019

Carol Gostele has edited countless publications, blogs, newsletters, and other documents for CAST, but around […]

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