Press Releases

Leaving a Lasting Impression on Laureates
Category: Blog/News
October, 2018

Surrounded by the beauty of the University of California-Davis‘s campus, CAST board members and staff […]

A Word From CAST’s President–Nancy Reichert
Category: Blog/News
October, 2018

Preparing this report has given me the opportunity to reflect on this past year, and […]

Agriculture in the Spotlight
Category: Blog/News
October, 2018

For the ninth year in a row, the winner of the Borlaug CAST Communication Award […]

Agriculture on Center Stage–Awards, Events, Communication
Category: Blog/News
October, 2018

With so many award shows on television, it is surprising there is no award show […]

Food Waste–It’s Like Stealing
Category: Blog/News
October, 2018

Food waste continues to garner plenty of attention from the media, organizations, and the public. […]

Examining Food Loss and Waste–Research Findings
Category: Blog/News
October, 2018

CAST EVP Kent Schescke (upper left) and Dr. Zhengxia Dou (upper right) Food Loss and […]

Don’t Berfunkle That Ag Term
Category: Blog/News
September, 2018

While teaching in the 1980s, I used an education film called Berfunkle. I can no […]

Food Safety Following Florence
Category: Blog/News
September, 2018

Food Safety Education Month is more hands-on this year for those affected by Hurricane Florence […]

Ten Rules for Communicating on Pesticides
Category: Blog/News
September, 2018

Guest Blog by David Zaruk, The Risk-Monger  Click here to access the original blog. One […]

What’s The Latest Buzz on Bees?
Category: Blog/News
September, 2018

Bees play a critical role in our lives. They help spread pollen and are essential […]

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