Press Releases

Blessed with the Best–A Family Portrait
Category: Blog/News
November, 2016

**Hannah’s latest blog comes in time for holiday gatherings, as she considers the advantages of […]

Playing the Game with Your 7 of Hearts
Category: Blog/News
November, 2016

Have you ever been dealt a hand of cards and thought to yourself, “How am […]

World Series Brings Back “Real” Fantasy Baseball
Category: Blog/News
November, 2016

** This blog from  last year has taken on a deeper “Holy Cow” meaning as […]

Old School Harvest Time Now Digitally Enhanced
Category: Blog/News
November, 2016

I drove back to the old home farm a couple of times during the past […]

Ag and Social Media Influencers–Sifting the Digital Noise from the Cyber Wheat
Category: Blog/News
October, 2016

Social media–ya gotta have it, ya gotta use it, and ya gotta admit it can […]

Politics, Halloween, and a Back-forty Bath
Category: Blog/News
October, 2016

This election campaign has been good for those who enjoy cynicism, sensationalism, and hyperbole. I […]

Moments in the Blue–FFA Reflections
Category: Blog/News
October, 2016

It’s here. The 89th National FFA Convention and Expo have commenced! Are you ready to […]

Ag Communication–Be Passionate, but Be a Listener Too
Category: Blog/News
October, 2016

One way to communicate! **Ag/education student Hannah Pagel (right) is a junior at Iowa State […]

Dr. Kevin Folta Honored at the 2016 Borlaug CAST Communication Award Ceremony
Category: Blog/News
October, 2016

Dr. Folta’s presentation at the World Food Prize Side Event focused on building trust with […]

A Family Legacy–Blue Corduroy Jackets and the FFA
Category: Blog/News
October, 2016

**Mikayla is an Iowa State University agricultural education student, and she also works as an […]

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