Press Releases

Always the Best Week of the Year
Category: Blog/News
August, 2016

Nothing Compares to the Fair The best week of the year is upon us—the week […]

Farm Kids Have a Built-in Augmented Reality—Pokémon in the Pasture
Category: Blog/News
July, 2016

My first experiences playing Pokémon Go occurred in the late 1950s when we ran free […]

Grills, Road Trips, and 250 Pounds of Live Bacon on the Hoof
Category: Blog/News
July, 2016

“When we were kids, a grill was the front of a car,” says Dad. “You’d […]

Biotech Goats, Humans with Wings & Black Ice Cream
Category: Blog/News
July, 2016

**Goats, Children’s Health, and the Biotech Controversy  According to writer Megan Molteni, scientists engineered goats […]

East Meets West with this Minnesota Wok
Category: Blog/News
June, 2016

When Aaron Rogers wanted a big cooking platter for the hot coals in his patio […]

Supermoons, Lunar Phenomena, and Burning Down the House
Category: Blog/News
June, 2016

November 2016 Supermoon Take in some great photos of the supermoon from the United States […]

Weekend News Wrap–Science, Food, and State Fair Menu Munchies
Category: Blog/News
June, 2016

*** Science has been amazing, powerful, controversial, and sometimes frightening. As surgeon, researcher, and writer […]

Avoiding Scorpions, Battling Wild Boars, and Growing Trees from Rocks
Category: Blog/News
June, 2016

An old idiom states, “You can’t draw water from a stone,” but on land in […]

Bovine Paranoia–Cows Are After Me
Category: Blog/News
May, 2016

Between 1993 and 2015, cattle killed 13 people who were out for walks in the United Kingdom. […]

Fresh-cut Hay—The Intoxicating Smell of Nostalgia
Category: Blog/News
May, 2016

As this video demonstrates, some of the new hay baling machines appear to be a […]

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