Press Releases

Successful 2023 BCCA Event Celebrates Alison Bentley
Category: Blog/News
October, 2023

In a resounding success, the 2023 Borlaug CAST Communication Award (BCCA) event celebrated the exceptional […]

2023 Borlaug CAST Communication Award to Honor Dr. Alison Bentley on Oct. 25
Category: Blog/News
October, 2023

Des Moines, IA – [Current Date] – The 2023 Borlaug CAST Communication Award (BCCA) will […]

National Farmer’s Day Celebrates the Backbone of World Agriculture
Category: Blog/News
October, 2023

On Oct. 12, we celebrate National Farmer’s Day, a special day dedicated to recognizing the […]

Navigating the Aisles: Clarity Coming to Food Labeling
Category: Blog/News
October, 2023

A simple trip to the grocery store can become confusing when you get into the […]

Webinar Release of CAST’s New Paper, “Food Traceability: Current Status and Future Opportunities.”
Category: Blog/News
September, 2023

 The Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST), in collaboration with the Institute of Food […]

CAST and IFT to release a new paper on food traceability in Washington, D.C., on September 28
Category: Blog/News
September, 2023

The Council for Agricultural Science & Technology (CAST), in a joint effort with the Institute […]

CAST Communication Internship Opportunity
Category: Blog/News
August, 2023

CAST Communications Internship  Position Description  About CAST:   Since 1972, the Council for Agricultural Science and […]

CAST Welcomes New AAAP Representative
Category: Blog/News
August, 2023

We are very pleased to share that Dr. Mostafa Ghanem, Assistant Professor at the University […]

CAST Announces New Communications Manager
Category: Blog/News
August, 2023

We are very excited to introduce our new Communications Manager, Carlos Back Vianna! Carlos comes […]

Celebrating Changes at CAST
Category: Blog/News
August, 2023

Congratulations Kent Schescke on his retirement and Welcome Chris Boomsma.

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