Press Releases

Water, Water Everywhere, but for Some, Not a Drop to Drink
Category: Blog/News
March, 2012

     In the classic science fiction novel Dune, water is so scarce that the inhabitants […]

Dietary Guidelines–The Sweet and Sour Debate
Category: Blog/News
March, 2012

2016 U.S. Government Dietary Guidelines:   The Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services released […]

Knowing How the “Sausage is Made”
Category: Blog/News
February, 2012

Update: August, 2013:  This editorial considers whether or not consumers really want to see where […]

Many “Best in Show” Dogs Live Down on the Farm
Category: Blog/News
February, 2012

October 2014: The smartest dog in the world? The border collie profiled on Sixty Minutes […]

If Only We’d Had an App for That (App Update Version)
Category: Blog/News
February, 2012

Note: Since posting this commentary, several more good App lists have digitally floated our way: […]

Cows, Waterbeds, and Bovine Sleeping Habits
Category: Blog/News
January, 2012

Update Feb. 2016: What Do Cows Want? This rancher says “grass fed” and “pastured” are […]

Please Deliver Burgers, Sushi, and Sweet Potatoes; Hold the Embalming Fluid
Category: Blog/News
January, 2012

Updates–August 2013:   This article looks at the possibilities of 3-D printing that could create […]

What Would Make You McHappy?
Category: Blog/News
January, 2012

May 2014:  Toy, Yogurt, or Book? Hmm…. General Mills has struck a deal with McDonald’s […]

Talking Turkey: Feathers, Proselytizing, and Hidden Videos
Category: Blog/News
January, 2012

     I grew up on a pig and cattle farm, and the few chickens in […]

Cattle Grazing in the Living Room
Category: Blog/News
December, 2011

Note: According to recent reports, more people in their 20s and 30s are going into […]

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