Cyber Porch—Cheerios GMO-less? USDA School Happy Meals? What Does the Fox Say about Donkey Meat?

Some folks used to sit on the front porch, sharing news and stories. Now most of us sit Dilbert-style in a cubicle as the digital world surges at us. Here are three ag-related stories we’re talking about today on our front porch. 

#1  General Mills says it has changed the sourcing of ingredients for its original Cheerios so it will not use GMO ingredients. We’ll see if Mikey likes it.

#2  The USDA adds more flexibility to its school meal requirements by removing a maximum limit for proteins and grains. Maybe this cafeteria food fight it almost over.

#3  Some Walmart outlets in China apparently were selling donkey meat that contained the DNA of other animals, including fox meat. So–the fox really says, “Hee haw”?

by dan gogerty (pic from

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