Dr. Songstad New CAST President-Elect

June 3, 2013

In a recent election at the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST), Dr. David Songstad was chosen as the President-Elect for 2013-2014. He will officially assume leadership responsibilities at the conclusion of CAST’s Fall Board Meeting at the end of October. In 2014-2015, he will become the 42nd President of CAST, a singular honor and responsibility dating back to 1972, when Charles A. Black and Norman Borlaug, along with other committed scientists, spearheaded the movement to “bring science-based information to policymaking and the public.”

Songstad (seated left in the photo with Turner Sutton) currently serves Cibus as Director of Research/Cell Biology. His education in plant biotechnology and agronomy led to a career working for both Monsanto and Pioneer Hi-Bred/DuPont, where he led corn transformation teams that developed the enabling technologies leading to the first commercial transgenic corn. He has more than 40 journal publications and 5 issued patents. He has also edited books on biofuels (2011) and sustainable agriculture (forthcoming–2014). Additionally, he was elected President of the Society for In Vitro Biology with a term ending in 2014.

Songstad Interested in CAST’s Visibility and Financial Security

He proposes new publication ideas, expanded use of LinkedIn, and an increase of international recognition.

Dr. Songstad has been involved with CAST since 2006. He served on the Board of Directors from 2006 to 2012, and he is the current Board Representative for the Society for In Vitro Biology. He has made significant contributions to CAST during his service to date and has articulated a three-year vision for CAST that involves securing and expanding its financial base and increasing its visibility. Some new directives Songstad proposes include initiation of a new publication series looking at the relationship of agriculture and medicine, an expanded presence on LinkedIn, and increasing CAST’s recognition internationally.

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