Member-Plus-One Campaign

CAST’s Member-Plus-One Campaign is designed to encourage our current loyal members to recruit others to join CAST, with both current and new members receiving a wonderful educational gift as a thanks for their support!

Talk Us Up!

There are so many opportunities during the day to share information about CAST. Visit with colleagues at the water cooler or during a conference or seminar. Refer a friend or family member to one of our Issue Papers as an agricultural resource, and let them know your membership supported its publication. Then encourage that individual to join CAST because—bottom line—each new member will make CAST stronger so that it can continue to be a reliable, consistent voice for all things agriculture.

The Hook

Once your friend or colleague has signed up, you will receive a free three-volume set of books by Noel Vietmeyer on Dr. Norman Borlaug, including: “Borlaug: Right off the Farm 1914-1944” (Volume 1); “Borlaug: Wheat Whisperer 1944-1959” (Volume 2); and “Borlaug: Bread Winner 1960-1969” (Volume 3).

Then the new CAST member will enjoy a copy of “The Man Who Fed the World: Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Norman Borlaug and His Battle to End World Hunger,” by Leon Hesser.

Here’s What You Need

Simply download or print off this CAST Individual Membership Form or refer them to our website. Make sure they know to identify you on the form for the question, “Were you referred by a CAST member?” so that you both receive your free gift.

Other Ways to Help

Here are a few other helpful suggestions on how to help advance CAST!

If you would like any more information on any of these options, contact Alyssa Yanni at 515-292-2125 or Thank you for partnering with CAST for the advancement of good agricultural information!

Help Support CAST

Your donation to CAST helps support the CAST mission of communicating science to meet the challenge of producing enough food, fiber and fuel for a growing population. Every gift, no matter the size, is appreciated.