Publication Category: Task Force Index

Herbicide-Resistant Crops

This report indicates that biotechnology-induced herbicide resistance in crops will allow use of herbicides that are toxicologically and environmentally less suspect that those herbicides now

Alternative Agriculture: Scientists’ Review

Reviews by 44 leading scientists support and criticize the 1989 National Research Council report, Alternative Agriculture. The authors represent the disciplines of agricultural engineering, food

Mycotoxins: Economic and Health Risks

This report stresses the importance of the economic and health risks of naturally occurring fungal toxins known as mycotoxins. These diverse toxins potentially occur in

Long-Term Viability of U.S. Agriculture

What is the future of American agriculture? This report examines the economic, environmental, and social dimensions of the agricultural sector. Chair: Luther G. Tweeten, The

Agricultural Science and the Public

Dr. Borlaug was a lifelong promoter and advocate for the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST), beginning at its founding in 1972. He was