Watch the webinar “HPAI and Its Impact on Food Production Industries”

We are thrilled to share insights from our recent webinar titled “HPAI and Its Impact on Food Production Industries.” Held on June 24, 2024, this webinar brought together a diverse panel of experts to discuss the resurgence of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) and its profound implications across the agriculture sector.

Key Highlights

Expert Panel: We were honored to host esteemed experts including Marie Culhane, Carol Cardona, Mohamed El-Gazzar, Jamie Jonker, and Julia Herman (Moderator), who shared their insights on the transmission dynamics of HPAI, its current impacts on poultry and dairy industries, and strategies to mitigate future risks.

Engaging Discussions: Participants engaged in lively discussions on the challenges posed by HPAI and the importance of proactive strategies in safeguarding food production.

We extend our sincere thanks to all participants, panelists, and supporters who contributed to the success of this webinar. Your commitment to advancing agricultural knowledge is truly commendable.

Watch the Webinar Recording
If you missed the live session or want to revisit the valuable discussions, you can watch the webinar recording now!

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